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Leslie Spurling Leslie Spurling is offline

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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9
  1. Dierk Bauer
    04-06-20 11:08 PM
    Dierk Bauer
    Good evening Leslie,
    thank you very much for pointing out my error, guess was too tired
    Did correct my mistake, exchanged the post with the correct details.
    Wishing you all the best, lots of Health and take care
  2. Dierk Bauer
    16-05-20 10:12 PM
    Dierk Bauer
    Hi Leslie, got it done, wishing you all the best from Hamburg, stay safe and take care
  3. Dierk Bauer
    08-05-20 07:53 AM
    Dierk Bauer
    Good morning Leslie, thank you very much for pointing out Ricks error.
    Did correct it, she`s now at her correct berth Wishing you all the best, be safe and care
    Tschüss from Hamburg
  4. Dierk Bauer
    19-02-20 04:35 PM
    Dierk Bauer
    Hi Leslie,
    thanks a lot for the info, will correct it accordingly

    Tchüss and all the best

    Did only copy all postings, in order not to change the content
  5. Derek
    14-02-14 04:47 PM
    Hi Leslie,

    I am afraid I don't get on CR as much as I should. I see you mentioned Dick Pryde who has sadly passed away. Dick was a member of my branch of World Ship Society (Haven Ports) and was Chairman for a couple of years before his recent sad demise. A thoroughly decent chap with a wonderful knowledge and passion for ships. He will be sadly missed by all that knew him.

    best regards
    Derek Sands
  6. Leslie Spurling
    03-09-13 07:09 PM
    Leslie Spurling
    Norman, you are spot on - I certainly remember you working for GLM and an avid fan of Liverpool F.C. I haven't been on the forum for some time, hence the delaying in replying - perhaps it was meant to be with Liverpool sitting proudly at the top of the table! ATB Leslie
  7. Norman Hardaker
    23-06-13 10:50 AM
    Norman Hardaker
    One same question are you the same Mr Spurling who used to work for Cory Brothers then moved to Lloyds in the late sixties early seventies just trying to remember the face behind the name
  8. Leslie Spurling
    28-01-13 03:49 PM
    Leslie Spurling
    Hi Ron

    Bad news had travelled fast as I was advised quickly of Chris' passing by Fairplay. I am now retired and living in Scotland' but keep in touch regularly on maritime matters. Chris suffered a lot in the last months, but it is still a shock to get such a message and I heard that there was a good turn out for his funeral in Exeter last week. Andrea has taken her loss hard.

    Hope you are keeping well - I do get down to Southend quite regularly, but it holds no attraction for me anymore!

  9. Ron Halliday
    15-01-13 01:56 PM
    Ron Halliday
    Chris Cheetham died on friday 11th jan 2013. Can you please advise people at Lloyds Fairplay. Thank you.


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  • Last Activity: 12-09-24 10:45 AM
  • Join Date: 22-10-12
  • Referrals: 0


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