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Pilotdan Pilotdan is offline

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  1. Pilotdan
    14-03-14 06:07 PM
    Hi Matey, you would pick today to Phone been In York since 7.30 this morning, took car for it's big service ! Ouch that hurt bloody £625, anyway I took it in and was supposed to pick it up at four coclock yesterday but got shanghighed on a bloody ship and had pick it up this morning, so then we spent the day spending bloody money all day and just got back now.
    And yesterday I smashed my mobile's screen when I dropped it, I was totally bolloxed withou it and went straight out and bought another one which I don't bloody understand yet, so that's why you couldn't get through to it, I,m a totaly useless cunt with technology spent seven hundred quid on a new computer and found out it wasn't
    Compatable with our buisness software, what a total fucking plank, that's me, so that's it I'm off for a jar Bollox to it. Take care and will catch up with you soon pleased to hear from

    Take care Dan & Maria
  2. JJR866273
    14-03-14 02:14 PM
    Hello Danny I hope all's well with yourself & Maria, I'm now in my bungalow @ St Nicholas Gardens, Bradwell, Gt Yarmouth, NR31 8QF. Home No: 01493603806 Mob: 07900346869 web as the same, I'v done a lot of decorating n nearly finished but come 2 a stop as I'm going 2 put in a new kitchen n a wood floor Thanks 4 the very kind e-mail things r looking up n I'm getting there n when all the work is done I'm looking 4 a holiday don't no were I'll think of something just looking 2 getting away 4 a time..I did try n ring u 2 day on yr home No also yr Mob but I didn't let it ring 2 lony as u may have been off watch n having a kip.. Ok stay well Danny & all the best 2 u & Maria n take care n b good lol.


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  • Last Activity: 02-12-14 11:35 PM
  • Join Date: 03-10-12
  • Referrals: 0


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